Today was Tomorrow, Yesterday

Today was Tomorrow, Yesterday

Today was Tomorrow, Yesterday James 4:13-15

When we spoke about today, yesterday, we called it tomorrow. I will see ya tomorrow. We have a test or a game tomorrow. Let’s do it tomorrow.  Today was Tomorrow, Yesterday.

I bring that up to remind you of how fast time goes by. It seems like just yesterday that I graduated from High School.            It seems like just yesterday that I meet my wife and was married.  It all seems like just yesterday. Time does fly by and before you know it is spent. That is why we are admonished in the scriptures to redeem time. Moses reminds to number your days. Psa. 90:12. Solomon encourages us to remember our creator in our youth. Eccl: 12:1. Before you know it yesterday is going to be 10 years from now. Before you know it you will be looking back on these days. It will seem like just yesterday, but in essence time will have passed.

I want to challenge you to be a bit more serious about life. Consider your future. Give thought to God’s will. Allow me to share with you a few thoughts.

Everybody Does not mean Everybody. We often miss us this phrase. Everybody said, or everybody is doing it. We like to believe that everybody grows up. Everybody will succeed. But that is not true.  I have some friend that never grew up or succeeded.

 All Decisions are important. Some decisions are more important but all important.  Life is built upon the decisions we make. Some are life changing. Some are foundational. Be careful of the decisions that you make. Seek counsel for some.       Give time to prayer about some. Don’t be so quick to make some.

 Opportunities don’t always Recycle: There are some opportunities in life that present themselves only once. We need to be prepared to seize the opportunities that come. Many think that they will present themselves again, but that may not be true. There are some things we get to do right only once. You cannot get your purity back. You can never make a first impression the second time. The same level of trust may never be restored. Marrying the wrong person is for a life time. You cannot show love to a dead person.

Today was Tomorrow, Yesterday. It does go by that quick. There really is no time to waste. Let make the most of the time God allows us.

Life is like a coin; you can spend it any way you like, but you can only spend once.





  1. These are some encouraging points on Redeeming the time I appreciate the reminder God bless you brother!

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